Jack LeMay
Director | Editor
"Life is sound. Editing is music"
As a founding member of the VAGRANTS team, Jack pioneered our workplace culture of wacky lifestyle-driven creatives. Jack isn’t afraid to break from tradition and forge his own style and path. His tactics flip the editing process on its head to create an audiovisual collage with sound design at its foundation. Jack’s impeccable eye for editing led him to direct films for The North Face and commercials for RXBAR. He is a true creative hyphenate, collaborating on the writing and directing of many VAGRANTS projects.
When Jack pries himself from the trance-like flow of editing, he heads to the trails to enter the trance-like state of hiking. Jack has conquered the entire Pacific Crest Trail — hiking from Mexico to Canada — but he also gardens, dances, draws, and climbs. To avoid a corny pun, dare we say he is a man of all trades. Did we mention he speaks Italian?