Twas a few weeks before Christmas and the Vagrants had all but closed the book on the year. Until a note from FIAT hit our inbox looking for one last holiday Content Smash + Grab ™. The creative called for bright lights, smooth holiday jams, and ice – lots of ice. We knew just the guy for the job... a wizard behind the lens, tireless creative spirit, and all-around swell guy, Greg Waldo. Greg has been a long-time friend and collaborator, but this was his first as an official Vagrants director (yew!). For two days, Greg danced around the studio calling the shots, snapping the stills, and cracking the jokes. Thanks to the tireless work of our crew, we got out there and right into post where the team cranked out enough content to fill Fiat’s social stockings. What a way to hit the holidays.
Director | Greg Waldo
Agency: Razorfish
Producer: Jill Shaw
DP: Winston Macdonald
Photo: Greg Waldo
Edit: Jonah Kaplan
Color: Phil Choe